Parallels For Mac Resolution Font Windows

Active2 years, 1 month ago

Parallels For Mac Resolution Font Windows 7

I've seen several posts about Windows 10 (and 8/8.1) scaling up on retina Macbooks, but none really outlining everything or answering my question directly. I've got a 13' retina Macbook Pro, running Windows 10 on Parallels. When I first installed, the resolution was set very low by default so I went to change it but noticed the highest resolution I can pick is 1920x1200.

So my question is this:

Should I be able to choose a higher resolution since my retina display is 2560x1600? I've set it to the highest available (1920x1200) and changed the 'text, app, and other items' size to 125% but it doesn't look as crisp as everything on the Mac side. Is there anything else I can do to increase the display resolution/quality?

The best way to run Windows on your Mac When it comes to running Windows on a Mac, there are two main players: Parallels Desktop 7. Parallels Desktop 7 makes Windows-on-Mac fast, stable. Best Display Settings for Windows 10 on Mac Parallels. You’d think it’d have the best options as the default, but not in this case. And the default sounds best (Best for Retina display), but. Switch to my desired resolution in XP 2. Pause the state in Parallels 3. Press save in Parallels This seemed to do the trick. Thanks for the reply Hoef. My Mac is a 15inch Macbook Pro, Sreen resolution is 2880x1800, Intel Iris ProGraphics 5200 margaret (Margaret Becker) 2014-02-14 22:13:01 UTC #2 Graphics display problems and speed are the reasons why running Rhino using Parallels is not supported.

Or has anyone tried this with bootcamp and had different results? It could be the drivers from Parallels.

I realize this is a preview build of Windows 10, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.


I forgot to mention that in the Parallels settings, under Hardware -> Video, I've checked the box for 'Enable Retina Resolution', but I haven't seen a difference, even after logging out & back in and shutting down the vm and restarting it.

Parallels For Mac Resolution Font Windows

2 Answers

I used to have the same issue on my Macbook 15' retina,

I did the following;

  • From parallers windows machine settings, hardware tab, I selected best for retina.
  • The windows display resolution 3840 X 2400. 'Too small obviously'
  • I selected the text size to 175%. 'by default it was 300%'
Ghaleb BadranGhaleb Badran

On Windows 10 for me the Parallel Tools weren't installed after the machine was set up. If you click on the parallel bars in the top left on MacOS and go to Actions sub-menu and it says 'Install Parallel Tools' then they never installed correctly on the VM OS.

The other thing I found is that for Windows 10 the tools wouldn't install and kept saying an error occurred (with no info) and I needed to reboot. This was addressed by right clicking the DVD drive file 'PTAgent' and choosing 'Run As Administrator'

Werewolf Wallpapers For Mac Resolution

Hope this is helpful.

Parallels For Mac Resolution Font Windows Download

Parallels For Mac Resolution Font Windows

Parallels For Mac Resolution Font Windows Display

Matthew ErwinMatthew Erwin

Mac Resolution Size

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