Reviews Of Parallels For Mac

Aug 25, 2015  Parallels 11 is a polished virtualisation solution that allows Mac users to switch easily between OS X and Windows apps, regardless of which operating system they were written for.

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  • Parallels 11 is a polished virtualisation solution that allows Mac users to switch easily between OS X and Windows apps, regardless of which operating system they were written for.
  • Parallels Desktop 12 review: A nearly perfect blend of Windows and Mac Parallels Desktop 12 adds 20 one-click utilities to its bag of tricks, along with improved performance for Windows virtual.

Stiff competition

It was only a couple months ago that we reviewed Parallels Desktop's main competitor, VMware 2.0, and it's definitely no coincidence that a new version of Parallels Desktop has launched so closely on the heels of its Mac virtualization rival. Competition between VMware and Parallels is fierce, and each of the two programs is very visibly trying to catch up and surpass the other in features and performance. From early on, Parallels has been the leader in desktop integration, and Parallels' Coherence mode—which lets you use Windows applications seamlessly in the OS X interface—makes so much sense that you would have to copy it to compete at usability. So VMware 2.0 did copy coherence mode, and it also managed to open up a lead by adding multi-core CPU and 64-bit client OS support. The new Parallels Desktop 4.0 is clearly designed to close that gap by adding:

  • 64-bit guest OS support
  • Support for up to 8 GB of RAM for VM client OSes
  • Support for up to 8-way SMP for multicore CPUs

The most interesting thing about Parallels' multi-core implementation is that it correctly shows CPU cores as cores in the client OS, whereas VMware shows the cores as individual CPUs. This is significant because non-server distributions of Windows don't allow for more than two CPUs to be used. The result is that a VMware 2.0 virtual machine only accesses more than two CPUs under Windows if it's using an expensive server-grade version of Microsoft's OS. If you have a Mac Pro and you're looking for maximum performance out of your virtualized Windows install, this is an important distinction. But it's not all good news for Parallels users looking to make the jump to the next level.

Even after Parallels released a second build (3540) of Parallels Desktop 4.0 shortly after the launch, a release that was aimed at addressing a number of problems with the 4.0 gold version, the software still has many officially acknowledged issues that need addressing. Are these problems bad enough for you to steer clear of 4.0? Let's take a look.


  • New: $79.99
  • Upgrade: $39.99

System Requirements

  • Processor: Intel-based Mac required
  • Memory: 1 GB of RAM (2GB recommended to run Windows Vista)
  • Storage: 450 MB of hard drive space for Parallels Desktop Installation, plus space to allocate to your virtual machine
  • Operating system: Mac OS X 10.411 or later (including Mac OS X Leopard)

Test hardware

  • Mobile:
    • MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
    • 4 GB RAM
    • NVIDIA 8600M 256 MB
    • OS X 10.5.5
  • Desktop:
    • Mac Pro Xeon Core 2 Duo (4-core) 2.66 GHz
    • 7 GB RAM
    • NVIDIA 7300 GT
    • OS X 10.5.5

Test software

  • Parallels Desktop 4.0 build 3540
  • VMware Fusion 2.0.1
  • Windows XP Pro 32-bit SP3
  • Windows Vista 64-bit SP1
  • Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop 64-bit
  • Mac OS X Server 10.5.5

Getting Started

Parallels' New Virtual Machine Assistant hasn't changed much in version 4. It still does a great job of guessing what the operating system is by the installer disk, and it handles automated installs as well as it used to. However, it does need more options—there isn't an option to pick how many CPUs or how much RAM you want for the VM at install time. If you want to set those, you have to stop the install assistant after creating the VM file but before launching the OS installer, or you can do it after booting into the VM, which will force a restart. The latter is less convenient, but, given the problems that I saw with the Leopard Server installation, it's more stable than setting it afterward. Maybe that's why it was left out of the assistant.

Another slightly annoying thing about version 4.0 is that it boots into Coherence Mode with desktop mirroring on by default. While seasoned Parallels users will know what's going on when they see this, it will probably be very confusing for new users who may look for a Windows desktop but see only a taskbar at the bottom of their screen. Desktop mirroring causes problems with certain software, in my experience, so that's another good reason for it to be off by default.

VM Updates: cross your fingers, it could be a bumpy ride. If you're a Parallels Desktop 3 user, you have to upgrade your existing VM(s) before you can get up and running with version 4. You might want to create a backup copy of your VM files, since the upgrade process has been a bit of a mess for a lot of people (but less so with the newer build). Stories of unusable or disappearing VMs are not unheard of. Also, prepare yourself for a good wait as VM upgrades are slow; it took about an hour to upgrade my very basic XP VM, and reports of three-hour VM upgrades are common.


If you can, I would recommend just doing a fresh install, because new VMs are less prone to virtual barnacles from what I've seen; it makes the setup process faster, to boot (I apologize for that pun).

Transitioning from a PC to a Mac used to be an exercise in compromises.

Among the PC applications that were available for the Mac platform, some didn't work like their Windows counterparts, some weren't updated as often, and some simply didn't work at all. Add to this the mystery of peripheral support, and it's no surprise that users avoided Macs when PC software was needed.

Virtualization promised to reduce the hassle of switching, but interfaces were clunky and performance was lacking. That's all changed with the release of Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac.

End-User Advantages

Parallels client virtualization software for running Windows apps on a Mac showcases what a seamless Mac and Windows environment can be, from installation to actual use. During the installation process, the product carefully explains menu choices and uses diagrams to show the user which selections affect which settings.

There's a fully automated express-­install feature, as well as a tool to create a virtual machine entirely from an existing PC, so there is no need to reinstall programs and reconfigure settings. Parallels Tools automatically loads, thus enabling 3D support, mouse synchronization and seamless drag-and-drop.

Once the virtual machine setup is complete, Parallels accepts almost any external device. When a device is inserted, a user-friendly window appears and asks which OS the user would like to connect to, then Parallels takes care of the rest.

In addition, the increased speed of ­Parallels 6 will astound any user. Windows 7 resumes in less than 10 seconds, and applications — whether 3D or not — run at near-native speed to a Boot Camp partition.

Why It Works For IT

Blending the security and stability of OS X with the compatibility of Windows ranks high on any IT department's wish list. Combine that with the speed of ­Parallels, and the seemingly impossible becomes possible for any type of user. The most important advancement of interest to IT departments is the combination of Crystal and Coherence modes. These types of integration between the Mac and Windows operating systems were separate options in the past, adding to the confusion of which would offer a better experience for the end user. Now, with only Coherence mode available (the Crystal features have been added), users can be assured of the best possible Windows experience on a Mac.

Parallels has also made great strides in seamlessly sharing files between operating systems, so much so that the Mac OS will set file types that open only in Windows to default as such. This means there's no user confusion about which program will be needed to open which file, or how to make it happen; Parallels takes care of it automatically.

As a final note, the migration tool built into Parallels significantly reduces the overhead for IT departments when transferring users from a PC to a Mac. Overall, the stabil­ity and usability of Parallels is something that every IT team can appreciate.


System requirements needed to achieve the full experience with Parallels are on the upper end. The price of admission for a smooth virtual Windows 7 environment starts at a new dual-core CPU and at least 4 gigabytes of RAM, coupled with a decent graphics processor for the Windows Aero effects. Though Parallels automatically compresses virtual disks, you'll need hard-drive space available for both the host and the guest OSes.

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